Free Counter Winter On The Equator: My Father's 20 Rules of Life *

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My Father's 20 Rules of Life *

1. Always be the second-fastest car on the road.

2. West Coast road
and highway signage is superior to the rest of the country’s.

3. New Yorkers are bad drivers because they get their license later than most others, and it is always better to learn things when you’re young.

4. Never play a New Yorker who challenges you to a game of ping-pong.

5. Never play poker with someone who has more money than you and isn’t afraid to lose it.

6. When leaving the house, always have something with you to read.

7. The size of a hotel’s swimming pool is directly proportional to the luxuriousness of the hotel.

8. If you’re in an electronics store and need help, find the pear-shaped and/or Asian guy.

9. Dutch people are tall. Also, they are more like Americans than any other nationality (excluding, perhaps, Canadians).

10. Real estate prices aside, the San Francisco Bay Area is the greatest place to live; if you can afford it, there is no reason to live anywhere else.

(10a. But if you're not already here, please stay away -- traffic and supermarket lines are bad enough as it is.)

11. Eat your fiber. And start young. Also, organic is not a fad.

12. Every disease is at least partly contagious, even those that are considered “genetically programmed/predispositioned” and/or “environmentally triggered.”

13. Always, always carry it on if they let you.

14. Drugs and prostitution should be legal. Immigration should not be. Gasoline and cigarettes should be taxed through the roof and then the clouds. California should be two states. The highways should move, not the cars.

15. Always double-check the bill -- restaurant, credit card, whatever -- before paying it.

16. Doctors are bad businesspeople.

17. Republicans are bad people, period. If you vote Republican, it’s because you are either selfish, stupid, or both.

18. Unless you’re a police officer, a criminal, or a biathlete, there is no reason to own a gun.

19. The further east you go from California, the more people smoke: East-Coasters smoke more than West-Coasters, Europeans smoke more than Americans, and the Japanese smoke more than anybody.

20. It’s not a morning without a glass of orange juice.

* Caution: May not apply to life in the 21st century.

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